Building and Pest Inspection
Building and Pest Inspection
  • Buy with Confidence. Use Expert Pre-Purchase Building and Pest Inspection Services

    Servicing the Brisbane and Ipswich Areas

The face of the moon was in shadow

Why choose us for your building and pest inspection?

It’s simple:

  • You get a highly experienced team with a lifetime history of building and timber pest inspection behind us.
  • Your building inspector is a Master Builder.
  • Your Timber Pest Inspector is accredited and highly experienced at locating termites, termite damage and conditions conducive to termite activity.
  • You can contact us 7 days a week for inspections across the Greater Brisbane and Ipswich areas.
  • You get the best service, because we believe that a sound business comes from good service.
  • You save money, because we cover both your building inspection and your pest inspection.